Why Submit to AMSE


    Guide for Authors
    1. Aims and Scope
    ACTA METALL. SIN. (Engl. Lett.) is an international journal for the monthly publication of original articles. It mainly contains short reports of significant, original and timely research which reflect new progress in metallurgy, materials science and engineering, including materials physics, physical metallurgy, and process metallurgy covering the fields of mining and ore dressing, production metallurgy, foundry, metal working, testing methods, powder metallurgy, composites, welding and joining, oxidation and corrosion. Articles must appeal to an international audience.
    2. Types of Contribution
    The manuscripts should be typed in English in the Microsoft Word format (DOC file). Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been previously published elsewhere in the same form, in English or any other language, without the written consent of the publisher. Manuscripts must be written in good English. Poorly written papers will be automatically returned for rewriting before review.
    3. Submission of Manuscripts Within China
    Papers within China should be submitted electronically through www.amse.org.cn
    Once the online submission has been completed, authors should receive automatically a corresponding paper number. Authors can also track the status of their submitted articles, by using the “status of paper” feature on the journal's website.
    All submissions must be accompanied by a cover letter detailing the most important findings in your manuscript. This letter should include detailed contact information (address, telephone/fax numbers and e-mail address) for the corresponding author.
    4. Submission of Manuscripts Outside China
    The authors outside China can submit their manuscripts by the following E-mail: ams@imr.ac.cn. 
    All submissions must be accompanied by a cover letter detailing the most important findings in your manuscript. This letter should include detailed contact information (address, telephone/fax numbers and e-mail address) for the corresponding author.
    5. Preparation of Manuscripts
    Please follow this order when typing manuscripts: Title, Authors (no more than eight authors), Authors' Addresses, Abstract (less than 200 words), Keywords (three to five separated by a Semicolon), Main Text (divided into a few sections from Introduction to Conclusions), Acknowledgements, References, Appendix, Tables and Figure Captions. Physical quantities should be printed in italics, and vectors in bold-face italics. SI units should be used throughout. All publications cited in the text should be denoted by superscripts (e.g. “Brown et al.[1] have reported that……”). The references should be typed in the following style:
    •For journals:
    D.P. Walls and F.W. Zok, Acta Metall. Mater. 42(8) (1994) 2675.
    •For conference proceedings:
    H. Yasuda, I. Ohnaka, K. Shimamura, T. Fukuda and K. Watanabe, In: S. Asai ed., The 3rd Int. Symp. on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials (ISIJ, Nagoya, Japan, 2000) p.647.
    •For books:
    K.H. Kuo, H.Q. Ye and Y.K. Wu, Electron Diffraction Pattern (Science Press, Beijing, 1983) p.90 (in Chinese).
    For others: (Please provide as much detail as possible)
    1. S.L. Brown and J.D. Sullivan, Dissolution of Various Copper Minerals, Report of US Bureau of Mines No.3228 (Washington, 1934).
    2. S.C. Huang, US Patent US5324367 (6 April 1993).
    3. L.H. Edelson, PhD Dissertation (University of California, Berkeley, 1993).
    (1) Photographs should be printed in high contrast and clarity. TIFF or JPEG files are the preferred format. The minimum acceptable resolution for photographs should be 600 dpi.
    (2) Line drawings made with Origin or Word format generally give perfect results (much better than Excel), so authors should convert XLS files into OPJ files using ORIGIN software. TIFF files are also an acceptable format for line drawings (minimum resolutions are 600 dpi, after reduction the final lettering height should be no less than 2 mm). The lettering and plotted points should be legible after reduction (using Arial font, the sizes should be about 26 pt in Origin and 8 pt in Word or larger). Graphs should have axes with proper labels (according to “Quantity/Unit”, e.g., Temperature/K).
    6. Copyright
    It is a condition of publication that manuscripts submitted to our journal have not been published and will not be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere. All authors must sign the Transfer of Copyright agreement if and when the article is accepted for publication.
    7. Proofs
    Proofs in PDF format will be sent via e-mail to the corresponding author, to be checked for typesetting/editing. The revised papers should be returned within 48 hours.
    8. Author Benefits
    Three sample books will be supplied free of charge. The authors can also order more issues.
    9. Further Information
    For more information on format and style please consult recent issues of the journal or contact our editorial office at 72 Wenhua Road, Shenyang 110016, China; phone: +86 24 83978879, fax: +86 24 23843760, e-mail: ams@imr.ac.cn.
  • 2009-01-21 Visited: 6948